Barbie skirt with belt, top with garter stich neckline. 

This is an easy an quick knit skirt, I have knitted it in many colour combinations.

The top is a bit different from the one I have published before, but is also a quick and easy knit.

This is a great addition to a gift for little girls. 

The pattern is available in Icelandic and English.

I love getting feedback. And share your knitting by linking to the project on Ravelry.

Barbie skirt with belt

Knitted back and forth on 2,5mm needles with single strand of Ístex unspun.

Cast on 26 sts in light pink, 3 rounds rib K1, P1.

Knit 1 round, Purl 1 round.

The belt is knitted with two rounds of garter st in white.

K4, slip one pink, K5, slip 1, K4, slip 1, K5, slip 1, K4.

Repeat this round, knit from WS, take care to keep the thread in front of your work when you slip the pink st from the WS.

Pink: stocking st 15 rounds.

Cast off in knit from WS.

Sew together at the back.

Top with garter stich neckline

Cast on 26 sts in light pink

First round is Purl from RS

15 rounds stocking st, end on RS

P6, cast off 1 st, P12, cast off 1 st, P6

Knit next round, cast on 8 sts in stead of the ones cast off.

2 rounds knit (garter st)

Cast off in knit.

Sew together at the back.


Barbí pils með belti og toppur með garðaprjónshálsmáli.

Þetta er einfalt og fljótlegt pils sem ég hef gert í mörgum litasamsetningum.

Toppurinn er aðeins öðru vísi en ég hef birt áður, en líka mjög auðveldur og fljótprjónaður.

Tilvalið til að bæta við afmælisgjöf fyrir litlar skottur.

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    Ég heiti Hulda Mjöll, bý í Reykjavík með fjölskyldu minni. Ég á tvær stelpur og hef haft mjög gaman af því að prjóna fyrir okkur. Ég fór að prjóna barbíföt úr plötulopa, flestar flíkurnar eru fljótgerðar, og litaúrvalið í plötulopanum er frábært. Mig langaði að deila þessum uppskriftum því litlar stelpur verða svo kátar með ný föt á barbídúkkurnar sínar, það er líka tilvalið að bæta flottum barbíkjól í afmælispakka hjá litlum skottum.

    Fylgist með mér á Twitter

    My name is Hulda Mjoll, I live in Reykjavík, Iceland with my family, I have two young girls, and I love knitting for us. I started knitting barbie clothes for them in Ístex unspun, most of the clothes are fast knit, and the colors of the Lopi are so pretty. I wanted to share the pattens because getting new clothes for barbie makes young girls so happy, those dresses are also a perfect addition to birthday gifts.

    Follow me on Twitter: @huldamjoll


    September 2012
    August 2012
    July 2012
    April 2012
    October 2011

